Newry has decades of experience serving B2B companies in a wide range of technology-intensive and emerging markets. We help our clients react to industry dynamics and megatrends beyond their core and drive growth through adjacencies.

A Note on Sustainability

The world is facing major environmental threats, from climate change to pollution to food insecurity and more. Interest in technology-based solutions has never been higher. Public policy and private investment alike are driving a massive wave of breakthrough innovation across sectors. This momentum presents big opportunities for materials innovators, who often hold the keys to unlocking transformational developments.

But making the most of a megatrend like sustainability is tough. There are lots of moving pieces, which complicates the process of identifying and validating opportunities. The inherent uncertainty of the sustainability space may also increase barriers to getting buy-in and moving fast. And with so many shifts in policy and funding, it’s hard to anticipate where to place big bets for the future, not to mention how to protect against potential threats.

The Newry team maintains deep and current awareness of the latest developments in carbon capture, energy production and storage, alternative protein, electric vehicles, recycling, and more. We leverage this knowledge base to support innovation and new product development strategy for clients who want to:

  • Participate in the sustainability economy but aren’t sure where to start
  • Identify additional applications for existing product lines related to green technology
  • Take advantage of policy incentives and pools of funding across geographic markets
  • Keep tabs on relevant opportunities, threats, and breakthrough technologies

Areas We Work In

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Our work has covered a vast range of vehicular design elements and mechanical systems — sensors, adhesives, tire reinforcement, emissions controls, lighting, glazing, and more — through efforts ranging from taillight assembly teardowns to global studies on vehicle electrification.

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The Built Environment

From the level of the individual residence to the urban landscape, we’ve built up subject matter knowledge in architecture, infrastructure, and design, often through the lens of megatrends like sustainability and connectivity.

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Clean Energy

We are familiar with emerging technologies at every stage of the energy value chain, from production to transmission to storage to end use, and have specialized knowledge in topics ranging from superconductors to carbon capture.

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Electronics & Communications

One of our most robust areas of expertise, covering everything from the incremental impact of materials innovations for device hardware to the commercial outlook for game-changing technologies such as quantum communications, edge computing, and next-generation satellite networks.

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Industrial & Manufacturing

In benchmarking best practices, building connections between peer companies, and developing product line strategies for industrial equipment, we have tapped into a rich ecosystem of manufacturers ready to revolutionize their operations through automated processes and AI.

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Life Sciences

Many members of our staff have backgrounds in Life Sciences and can bring to bear deep technical acumen on topics ranging from continuous flow bioprocessing to live cell imaging to gene suppression.

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Medicine & Healthcare

Newry is located in a city renowned for its hospital systems, with access to some of the world’s leading experts in medical research. Our insights have supported clients developing experimental treatment methods for a range of diseases, commercializing novel medical devices for at-home healthcare, and producing the finished goods that doctors and nurses need.

Other Areas of Expertise

  • Aerospace & Other Transportation
  • Agriculture
  • Durable Goods
  • Food and Beverage
  • Professional Services / Financial Services
  • Textiles

Industries We Serve

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