Robust Capabilities and Services
No matter what’s keeping you up at night, Newry is prepared to address your concerns with a variety of creative problem-solving processes, analytical techniques, and deep industry connections. Whether in search of a robust set of new R&D opportunities to work on, strategic guidance around portfolio management decisions, or support in commercializing a new product, innovation leaders around the world trust Newry to get in the trenches alongside their teams to solve their biggest challenges because of our proven ability to deliver results.
The foundation of our work approach lies in our strong research & analytics capabilities. These skills make it possible for us to dig deep in new industry spaces and get the insights you need at the level of depth you desire, whether you’re looking for a back-of-the-envelope sanity check before starting to explore an adjacent market, or a robust quantitative assessment to help you make your next major investment decision with a high degree of confidence.
Beyond these fundamental tools and techniques, we have also developed formalized processes for some of the specific situations our clients often face: SONAR™, for specialty materials companies and others trying to find new growth for existing technology; QUANTIFIED DESIGN™, for B2B firms who are wading into the world of design thinking; Delta Teams, for high-level executives trying to solve a major organizational problem or accelerate innovation in a specific area; and Assumptions Workshops, for early-stage programs trying to make rapid progress.