2018 has been a year of exciting growth for Newry. We’ve brought several new people into our organization to ensure success for our clients and bring them the best possible value. Our data science team has continued to improve Newry’s proprietary offerings and deliver results. As we look to the future, we are working to develop our capabilities to better serve new clients and further enhance our relationships with our current clients.

As the year comes to a close, here’s a round-up of our top thought leadership from 2018:

Under Siege: The Role of Technology Moats Today – Are the “technology moats” created by central R&D organizations getting shallower? How can technology-driven organizations thrive in today’s economy?

Starting Off on the Right Foot: Defining Strategic Domains – Innovation and ballroom dance have more in common than you’d think.

Mind the Gap: Pitfalls of Relying on Academic Excitement to Drive R&D – Just because your R&D team can solve a challenging technical problem doesn’t mean they should.

A Fair Cut of the Cake: Deciding When to Compete With Customers – We lay out the 3 questions you need to ask yourself before forward-integrating to capture more value.

Users As Innovators – End users can play a big role in the innovation process, even for highly technically sophisticated companies. Don’t miss out on this major source of new product development ideas.

A Piece of the Puzzle: Using Surveys for B2B Marketing Insights – Don’t expect a consumer-facing survey to provide robust feedback on technical features or value prop.

Brainstorming Innovation: Where Internal Ideation Actually Works – You should be using internal brainstorming to solve specific problems and gain organizational buy-in – not to generate ideas for new innovation products.

Value Chain Disruption: How Electric Vehicles Are Changing the Game – Struggling to wrap your head around the business implications of vehicle electrification? We break down some of the biggest changes you can expect to see across the automotive value chain.

White Glove Treatment: How Specialty Chemicals Companies Can Resist Commoditization – There are more parallels than you’d expect between five-star hotel concierges and specialty chemicals companies.

3 Strategies to Go From Materials Supplier to Solutions Provider – The key to becoming a solutions provider is investing to understand your customers’ world.

Creative Value Capture in Healthcare Commercialization – Bringing a new healthcare product to market? Here are the 3 steps you need to take to build a robust commercialization strategy.

Commentary: The Right Way to Spend Your Innovation Budget – A recent HBR article claims companies should invest in innovation ability over innovation capacity, but it may not be that simple.

QUANTIFIED DESIGN™: Solving the Monty Hall Problem of Product Innovation – Design thinking is a great way for product innovators to serve user needs, but it doesn’t always result in an airtight business case. Our solution? The “QUANTIFIED DESIGN™” process.

We’ll see you in 2019!