Newry Supports More Growth-Oriented Innovation Strategy

In a rapidly evolving landscape where corporate R&D is increasingly scrutinized, CTOs and technology leaders face the daunting task of identifying and nurturing the next big breakthrough. Thanks to decades-long advisory relationships with some of the most innovative materials companies in the Fortune 1000, Newry understands this challenge at its core and has pioneered industry-leading solutions to address it. We swiftly pinpoint and validate high-fit opportunities to meet your revenue targets, and work shoulder-to-shoulder with your team to focus and execute on long-term R&D efforts.

innovation strategy consultants

The Challenge of R&D

For technology-oriented companies, fundamental research and transformative innovation are necessary to sustain long-term business success. However, these activities are resource- and time-intensive, and the payoff is hard to measure. CTOs are under intense pressure to maximize their company’s existing technology, fully leverage current assets, and identify new opportunities as existing markets mature – all while reducing costs, ensuring their organization operates as leanly as possible, and keeping track of projects that may take 5+ years to come to fruition.

Newry has developed effective innovation strategy interventions for each potential failure point in the process:

  • Our SONAR™ discovery technique identifies unmet market needs that align perfectly with your unique capabilities. By filling our clients’ R&D and innovation portfolios with opportunities to meet a clear customer need, we increase their likelihood of realizing ROI on their R&D investment.
  • Bespoke workshops and facilitated sessions resolve team dysfunction and misalignment, and accelerate progress to ensure that good ideas don’t die on the vine. Newry brings in external experts to stimulate new ideas and invigorate floundering teams. We also help teams create structured plans to test critical assumptions and resolve long-standing roadblocks.
  • Our emphasis on problem-oriented innovation, informed by real customer and market feedback, streamlines portfolio management and accelerates time to go/no-go decisions. Rather than spreading their resources thin across a long list of untested concepts, Newry’s clients make bold, confident investments in opportunities with (a) massive market potential and (b) tangible evidence of customer pull.

When it comes to opportunity discovery and validation, Newry delivers results 51% faster than internal teams.

Connect with Us for Innovation Strategy Solutions

Ready to elevate your innovation strategy and unlock new opportunities? Contact us today to discuss how Newry can support your goals and drive impactful innovation.