Newry Empowers CEOs and GMs to Invest Confidently and Drive Revenue Growth

Top executives in the US and around the world are focused on increasing profits and revenue growth by introducing new products and services, improving their marketing, entering adjacent markets, and – over the longer-term – developing entirely new lines of business. Newry has a proven track record of helping clients achieve these goals.

We go beyond delivering market reports, working shoulder-to-shoulder with you to develop and capitalize on opportunities until you have executed purchase orders in hand. Our tailored analysis also de-risks critical strategic decisions, from $20M tranches of stage-gate funding to $200M capital expenditures to transformative business model shifts. Newry provides unbiased justification to pursue promising opportunities and suggests strategic pivots for less favorable ones.

strategic growth consulting

Accelerate Near-Term Revenue Growth

Newry’s “Growth Engine” has demonstrated success in helping clients win near-term revenue growth in core and adjacent markets. Our commitment extends beyond identifying sales targets or providing insights – we partner with you every step of the way to develop and capitalize on opportunities until you see tangible results, with purchase orders in hand. Our comprehensive approach leverages sales funnel analysis, voice of customer (VOC) insights, in-depth market research, proactive customer and partner engagement, and other proven techniques to deliver consistent results.

The average 3-year ROI of a Newry Growth Engine effort is 12:1.

Informing Critical Business Decisions

Making significant strategic decisions, such as constructing a new facility or forward-integrating, involves considerable risk. This risk is amplified for industrial technology companies that operate deep in the value chain with limited feedback from direct customers or end users. Newry delivers unbiased insights to support substantial capital expenditures, caution against ill-advised business model changes, and help determine the optimal path to growth—whether organic or inorganic.

Our expertise has informed billions in critical investment decisions, helping clients navigate complex market dynamics and make informed, confident choices.

Connect with Us to Drive Revenue Growth

Ready to make critical investment decisions and pursue revenue growth in adjacent markets? Contact us today to discuss how Newry can support your goals.